Sun Salutation B Surya Namaskar B
Surya namaskar is a sanskrit term for sun salutation. It is not just about saluting the sun which gives energy to the whole universe it’s also about saluting the solar energy we’re having in our body as heat. Surya namaskar helps to improve heat in the body stretches the body and prepare the body and mind for Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
How To Do Surya Namaskar B
- Start from standing in samasthiti where your both leg’s are together and hands by the hips
- Inhale bend the knees and Raise your hands up and come to utkatasana and look at thumb’s .
- Exhale Slightly bend the knee’s and fold forward into uttanasana and look at your tip of nose
- Inhale slowly lift your chest half way up and keep your leg’s extended and flatten your spine come to ardha uttanasana and look at your third eye.
- Exhale place your palms down on the floor firmly and then jump or step back to chaturanga dandasana and look at your tip of the nose.
- Straighten your elbows and lift your chest up to urdhva mukhasvanasana and look at third eye.
- Exhale Adjust your feet and lift the buttocks up to urdhva mukhasvanasana and look at your navel center.
- Inhale take your right leg forward in between your arms. Lift the chest up and raise your arms above your head and join your palms to virbhadrasaba A and look at the thumbs or up to space
- Exhale place your palms down on the floor firmly and step your right leg back to chaturanga dandasana and look at your tip of the nose.
- Inhale urdhva mukhasvanasana look at the third eye.
- Exhale adho mukhasvanasana look at the naval center.
- Inhale take your left leg forward in between your arms. Lift the chest up and raise your arms above your head and join your palms to virbhadrasaba A and look at the thumbs or up to space.
- Exhale place your palms down on the floor firmly and step your right leg back to chaturanga dandasana and look at your tip of the nose.
- Inhale urdhva mukhasvanasana.
- Exhale adho mukhasvanasana and stay here for 5 ujjai breathing’s
- Inhale bend the knees and look forward then jump forward to ardha uttanasana.
- Exhale full forward fold uttanasana.
- Inhale come back to utkatasana.
- Exhale samasthiti.
Preparation For Sun Salutation B
- Joints movements.
- Cat and cow stretches.
- Some gentle hamstrings stretching.
- Cobra pose and mountain pose.
- If you’re having knee, lower back, or shoulder injuries don’t jump
- If you don’t have enough strength to perform chaturanga dandasana you can stay in plank pose.
- Avoid on the full moon day.
- If your hamstrings are tight don’t have to have your heels on the floor focus on your spine and keep it in a natural position.
- During pregnancy, you should avoid it.
- Blood pressure high and low
- It increases flexibility and strength.
- Helps to improve concentration and brings balance between mind and body.
- Lower down the stress.
- Improves breathing and prepares the body and mind for further practice.
- Improves blood pressure and heat in the body