Chakrasana and Benefits of Chakrasana
The name “Chakrasana” comes from the Sanskrit words “Chakra” which means the wheel, and the meaning of Asana is “Posture” or “seat”. Chakrasana or the Wheel Pose Chakrasana or the wheel pose is a backward bending yoga asana. Chakra in Sanskrit means Wheel. In Wheel Pose, the final position looks like a wheel, hence the name. It gives great flexibility to the spine. It is called chakrasana since the body takes almost a wheel-like, semi-circular posture while performing this asana. English name: – Wheel Pose Sanskrit name: – Chakrasana Pose type: – backbend, stretch, inversion, balance. Body position: – Supine Level: – Advanced How to Chakrasana or Wheel Pose? Lie flat on your back on the floor. You may bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are…