This is a standing single-leg balancing forward fold asana. You will require balance, stability, and concentration to perform this asana. This is also called extended hand-to-big toe posture.

How to do Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana?
Step 1: Stand straight with feet together in Samasthiti.
Step 2: Ground yourself firmly on your feet. lift the toes, spread them wide and place them down.
Step 3: Inhale fix the gaze at one stable point in front of you which will help in balance. Shift your hip towards the left leg so the midline is shifted to the left.
Step 4: Exhale bend the right leg at the knee and bring the knee to the chest. (If you are struggling to find the balance, go with the natural position of the body by slightly turning the left leg toes outward).
Step 5: Inhale grab your right big toe with the first three fingers of your right hand from inside of the right leg and find the balance here. Beginners can grab all the toes with all fingers to get better stability.
Step 6: Exhale start straightening the right leg to your capacity.
Step 7: Point your right foot forward and at the same time pull your toe backward with your fingers using arm strength. This will engage your right leg and right arm muscles and will help find stability. If you find it difficult to straighten the leg, use the strap and hook it to the balls of the feet and do the same action of pointing the feet forward and pulling the strap backward with your hands.
Step 8: Exhale and slowly shift your gaze towards your right feet or on the floor and bring your forehead to the right knee. Tuck the tailbone in, hunch your back, and let your elbow move outside of the leg while bending forward
This is Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana A. Stay here for 5 breaths.
Step 9: Inhale Slowly raise your head and chest up and shift the gaze in front of you.
Step 10: Exhale move the right leg towards the right and turn your gaze to your left shoulder to get a better balance
This is Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana B. Stay here for 5 breaths. (Make sure your tail bone is tucked in and you are pointing the toes and pulling them back using arm strength).
Step 11: Inhale bring the right leg in front of you.
Step 12: Exhale touches the forehead to the right knee.
Step 13: Inhale Raise your head and chest up, release the right hand from the right leg, and place both hands on the waist. Let the leg stay straight actively without any support.
This is Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana C. Stay here for 5 breaths (Feel the quads being engaged).
Step 14: Slowly place your right food down beside left.
Step 15: Repeat the same steps from the left leg.
Benefits of Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana
- Improves concentration, balance, and stability.
- Great for tight hamstrings.
- Strengthens the Quadriceps and arm muscles if held for a longer duration.
Preparation to do Uthitha Hasta Padangusthasana?
First: As this is a single-leg balancing posture, work on some balancing asanas like Tree pose, Veer bhadradasana C, Natraj asana, etc.
Second: Single leg raises by bending and extending knee in the front and side a couple of times will also help to get in this posture.
Third: You can also perform front and sidekicks as a dynamic warm-up to get into this asana.
1. Do not perform this posture if you have low Blood pressure as it may cause dizziness and headaches.
2. Avoid this posture if you have any kind of injury in the knee, ankle, or hips.
Some important Links:
Rishikesh ashtanga yoga school in india