India Restores 5-year E-tourist Visas with Immediate Effect
India restores 5-year e-tourist visas with immediate effect India Restored all visa currently Valid for Five Year E-Tourist Visas The government of India on Wednesday 16th March has restored all currently valid five-year e-tourist visas given to the citizens of 156 countries. Also, new regular paper visas for up to 5 years will be issued to citizens of these countries subject to limitations imposed from time to time. These visas were suspended since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 outbreak For USA and Japan nationals, the valid long-term visa (10 years) which was suspended due to Covid-19 has been restored and a fresh long duration (10 years) visa will be issued. Foreign nationals on tourist and e-tourist visas will be allowed to enter India through designated airports ICPs by flights,…